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Are people allergic to lilacs?

However, some highly fragrant flowers that do not aggravate allergies can still be an irritant with their potent scents. In close quarters, they can cause headaches and nausea and may be best enjoyed outdoors and not brought inside. These include gardenia, hyacinth, jasmine, and lilacs.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, can you be allergic to lavender plant?Lavender has been known to cause reactions in some people, including: irritant dermatitis (nonallergy irritation) photodermatitis upon exposure to sunlight (may or may not be related to an allergy) contact urticaria (immediate allergy)Secondly, what are the worst trees for allergies? Some of the worst tree allergens include: alder. ash. beech. birch. box elder. cedar. cottonwood. date palm. In this manner, what plants are bad for allergies? Worst Plants for Allergies Flowers/herbs. Amaranth (pigweed), chamomile, chrysanthemums, daisies, ordinary sunflowers. Shrubs/vines. Cypress, jasmine vine, juniper, wisteria. Trees. Grasses. Weeds. Can you be allergic to Sage?Sage can also be an ingredient used in cosmetics, soaps, deodorants and fragrances. Individuals who are allergic to sage may also be allergic to thyme or oregano, it is recommended to get tested for allergies to these herbs as well if an individual has a positive sage allergy test result.
