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Brian Peck Court Documents, Drake Bell Unsealed Transcripts

Will Friedle's letter of support

Will Friedle is best known for his role as Eric Matthews on the ABC sitcom Boy Meets World. At the time of Peck’s court appearance, he wrote:

“To the Honorable Michael Hoff:
Re: Brian Peck

My name is Will Friedle and I am writing to you on behalf of my good friend Brian Peck whom I have known on both a professional and social level for the past seven years. And, quite frankly sir, I never in my wildest imagination thought that I would find myself having to defend such an honest and ethical friend, like Brian.

I moved to Los Angeles in early 1993 to co-star on a family sit-com for ABC and was fortunate enough to have met Brian on the set a few years later. The show revolved around a young boy and his family. Needless to say sir, the entire set was full of children and throughout the seasons, I can honestly attest to the fact that at no time, in no way whatsoever, did I EVER witness Brian behaving inappropriately with anyone.

As a matter of fact, Brian was so professional and so good at his job that when the show wrapped after seven seasons, I asked him to join the crew of a new show that I was starring on. When that show failed, I asked Brian to come with me yet again to a new set and so on. I was given the opportunity to witness first hand the type of man Brian was and seldom have I met a person of such moral fiber.

Brian has always shown himself to be a man of integrity and honor. He has always held himself up to the highest standards and in recent visits with him I have never seen him more ashamed of himself or the charges against him. I can only stress and honestly state that Brian must have felt an overwhelming sense pressure and temporary loss of reason. It would be a case of a very good person slipping. There could be no malice in his heart. No attempt at corruption, just a horrible lapse in judgment, the ramifications of which Brian is fully willing to accept.

While I am a lamen when it comes to the law I do understand that it exists for essentially two reasons; punishment and the safety of our society. Sir, I can only emphatically state that, knowing Brian as I do, if he were granted probation, nothing like this would EVER happen again. I can only reiterate how devastated Brian is and how these past events have forever changed him.

If ever there is man who deserves another chance it is Brian Peck. Given the opportunity, I know that he would do everything in his power to show the world his true character. The man that I have come to know and respect.” [sic]

In February 2024, Friedle commented on the situation on their Boy Meets World podcast, Pod Meets World. “In telling me what happened and instantly spinning it to where it wasn’t his fault, it was clearly the fault of his victim, my initial instinct because of the years I’d been [working] with him was, ‘Well yeah, of course, it can’t be you,’” said Friedle.

“[Peck] turned us against the victim to now we’re on his team. That’s the thing where, to me, I look back at that as my shame,” he continued. “When there’s an actual victim involved and I’m now on the abuser’s side, that’s the thing I can’t get over.”
