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What did Shaantal and Benjamin Garlick do? Charges explored as traveling preacher and wife arrested

Benjamin Garlick, a traveling Evangelist and his wife, Shaantal Garlick, have been indicted on child r*pe and abuse charges. These charges have been filed against the pair in connection to certain alleged criminal activities they were involved in as early as February 2021.

Trigger warning: The article contains references to child s*x crimes. Readers' discretion is advised.

Several pictures and videos have captured Benjamin Garlick, accompanied by his sermons, partnering with various churches in Texas, Indiana, Florida, and Minnesota. YouTube videos have also shown Benjamin preaching in Spanish before several congregations. While he is still in jail, his wife has been released after she reportedly posted a bond.

Traveling preacher Benjamin Garlick faces several serious child s*x crime-related charges, including r*pe of a child and continuous s*xual abuse of a minor

A well-known pastor, Benjamin Garlick, and his wife Shaantal, currently face serious charges related to child s*x crimes. The preacher faces more charges, including five counts of aggravated r*pe of a child, five counts of aggravated s*xual battery, soliciting s*xual exploitation of a minor under 13, and continuous s*xual abuse of a child. The Rutherford County Circuit Court have confirmed the charges records.

His 29-year-old wife, Shaantal, has been accused of similar crimes and faces two counts: each for facilitating aggravated r*pe of a child and aggravated abuse/neglect/endangerment of a child aged eight and under. The identity of the victim(s) has not been revealed. All the charges against the pair are related to their alleged actions from February 2021 to last month.

Garlic helped operate a ministry for Spanish speakers

In December 2022, the couple launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds (about $40,000) for a "Garlick Family Ministry Van" so that Garlick can travel to different places. The fundraiser already had raised over $18,000 for this cause. The GoFundMe post had a picture of Benjamin Garlick, his wife, and his children and began by a quote from the Bible.

"That van pictured here is now over 418,000 miles on the odometer and, by His grace, still chugging along. My first responsibility is to be a husband and father. Our vehicle allows me to fulfill that role while we travel together."

Benjamin Garlick continued:

"This year our family once again outgrew our vehicle, and while we were so excited to receive our [new baby] into our family, we knew that In the Lord’s timing, He would open the door once again for us to get the vehicle we prayed for."

On February 3, he posted an update on the fundraiser post and urged for donations again.

"God has been working in an amazing way! Please help us in the final stretch to get over the goal!"

The pastor reportedly also assisted in operating La Espada, a ministry for Spanish speakers based in Murfreesboro. An eviction notice ws allegedly filed against the business on August 29, 2023, for non-payment of rent Sword of the Lord Publishers. Authorities are currently investigating the alleged criminal activities that involved the couple.

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