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What Is Anna Duggar Doing for Money Now That Josh Duggar Is Facing Years in Prison?


Anna Duggar will likely be raising her seven children alone for the foreseeable future. With Josh Duggar behind bars, Duggar family followers can't help but wonder what exactly Anna will do for money. Money movement before the trial might offer some clues, though.

Published on January 8, 2022

2 min read

Anna Duggar is on her own, and it looks like she’ll be without her husband, Josh Duggar, for the foreseeable future. Josh Duggar is facing a long prison sentence, and Anna will need to figure out how to feed and clothe her seven children sans a husband. Duggar family critics can’t help but wonder how she’s getting by without any discernable source of income. 

Josh Duggar faces 20 years in prison 

In December 2021, Josh Duggar was convicted on two felony child pornography charges. As soon as the verdict was read, Josh was remanded to a correctional facility to await sentencing. Anna, who had been by her husband’s side during the entire trial, briskly left the courthouse and hasn’t really been seen since. 

It is largely assumed that Anna and her seven children still live on the Duggar family’s Springdale, Arkansas property. Whether that is her long-term solution is anyone’s guess. If it is, she’ll likely be waiting a long time for Josh’s return. Each charge cares a maximum sentence of 20 years. Emily D. Baker, a legal expert and YouTuber, once suggested a 10-12 years sentence for the charges seems likely. 

What is Anna Duggar doing for money? 

Anna appears to be in a holding pattern as she awaits Josh’s sentencing. The sentence and the correctional facility where he is ultimately placed will likely heavily influence what she chooses to do with her life. Duggar family critics are interested in seeing what moves she’ll make, but they’ve largely been questioning what she is doing for money right now. 

Anna Duggar has never held a job outside the home. She married Josh shortly after turning 20 and left her family’s Florida home to live in Arkansas. Her Arkansas support system consists mostly of Duggar family members. Anna, however, might not be all that helpless. 

Before Josh Duggar’s trial, the Duggar family was busy opening Limited Liability Companies. According to public records, Anna filed paperwork for seven LLCs and dissolved two other companies in the period between the Department of Homeland Security’s raid and Josh Duggar’s trial. At least in name, Anna also bought property solo from Josh Duggar. 

Is Anna Duggar preparing to file for divorce?

Rumors are swirling that Anna Duggar is now weighing her options. Some Duggar critics think the money movement is an indication that the mother of seven is ready to walk away from her troubled marriage. While it would be a surprising development, it seems unlikely to happen. 

Family followers have long suspected that Jim Bob Duggar is in charge of all the Duggar family money. Derick Dillard accused the father of 19 of hoarding earnings from both 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On, and it looks like that likely extends to other financial ventures. 

While money has been moved into Anna’s name, most critics theorize that it is only on paper. In short, it seems unlikely that Anna has unfettered access to those funds. For now, it appears she’s keeping the status quo and is likely dependent on Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar for cash. Divorce doesn’t seem to be in the cards, either, at least not before an actual sentence has been handed down.
