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316 Stainless Steel - EVOCD



Type 316 Stainless Steel is a austenitic chromium-nickle stainless steel containing molybdenum.[1] Alloying components in 316 SS make it corrosion resistance in many aggressive environment, improve resistance to pitting, and increase its strength at elevated temperature.[1]. Typical uses include exhaust manifold, furnace parts, heat exchanges, jet engine parts, pharmaceutical, photographic equipment, valve and pump trim, chemical equipment, digesters, tanks, evaporators, parts exposed to marine atmosphere and tubing. [2] 316 SS is also a preferred material used in reactors and nuclear power plants. Good strength and creep resistant material which offers excellent mechanical and corrosion resistant properties at sub zero temperature.[3]

CompositionType 316 (%)
Carbon0.08 max.
Manganese2.00 max.
Phosphorus0.045 max.
Sulfur0.030 max.
Silicon0.75 max.
Chromium16.00 - 18.00
Nickel10.00 - 14.00
Molybdenum2.00 - 3.00
Nitrogen0.10 max.

Stress-Strain Data

316 stainless steel bar, stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures

Bar diameter = 19.05 mm (3/4 in.). Test section diameter = 12.827 mm (0.505 in.)
Composition lot l: 17.81Cr-13.17Ni-2.23Mo-1.54Mn-0.56Si-0.042C-0.027P-0.017S
Composition lot 2: 16.60Cr-12.15Ni-1.80Mo-1.58Mn-O.46Si-O.090C-O.028P-O.013S
UNS S31600

316 stainless steel bar, stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures[4] 316 stainless steel bar, stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures[4]

Source: T.W. Gibbs and H.W. Wyatt, Short Time Properties of Type 316 Stainless Steel at Very High Temperatures, Paper No. 60-WA-11, Trans. ASME, J. Basic Eng. , 1960. As published in Structural Alloys Hand-book, Vol 2, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1994, p 31

316 stainless steel bar, monotonic and cyclic stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures

Bar diameter = 15.875 mm (5/8 in.).
Hot rolled, annealed 1066 oC (1950 OF), 1 h.
Incremental steps: Solid line, annealed; dashed line, aged 1000 h at test temperature.
Constant amplitude continuous cycling: open circle, annealed; solid circle, aged at 538 oC (1000 oF); solid diamond, aged at 649 oC (1200 oF).
Strain rate for cyclic curves 1-5, 7-9 = 0.004/s; for curves 6 and 10, strain rate = 0.00004/s (a) 21 oC (70 oF) (b) 427 oC (800 oF) (c) 566 oC (1050 oF) (d) 649 oC (1200 oF)
Composition: 17.30Cr-13.30Ni-2.33Mo-1.72Mn-0.40Si-0.06C-0.012P-0.007S-0.065Cu-0.003Ti.
Dimensions in schematic given in inches (1 in = 25.4 mm)
UNS S31600

O2.PNG [4] 316 stainless steel bar, monotonic and cyclic stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures

Source: D.A. Keller “Progress on LMFBR Cladding, Structural and Component Material Studies During July 1971 through June 1972,” BMI-1928, Final Report, Task 32, Battelle Columbus, July 1972. As published in Structural Alloys Handbook, Vol 2, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Perdue University, 1994, p 32

316 stainless steel sheet, typical stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures

Sheet thickness = 3.175 mm (0.125 in.)
Composition: 17.17Cr-12.96Ni-2.15Mo-1.7Mn-0.2Si-0.03C
UNS S31600

316 stainless steel sheet, typical stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures[4]

Source: T.W. Gibbs, W. Kyros, and C.L. Theberge, "Development of a Resistance Heating Facility for the Determination of Tensile Properties of Aircraft and Missile Alloys," RaD. TM-63-8, Avco Corp., Feb 1963. As published in Structural Alloys Handbook, Vol 2, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1994, p 33

316 wrought stainless steel bar, typical stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures

Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 wrought stainless steel bar, typical stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures[4]

Source: L.J. Fritz and W.P. Koster, "Tensile and Creep Rupture Properties of (16) Uncoated and (2) Coated Engineering Alloys at Elevated Temperatures," NASA Cr-135138, Metcut Research Associates, Inc., Jan 1977. As published in Structural Alloys Handbook, Vol 2, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1994, p 33

316 annealed stainless steel bar, true stress-strain curves for irradiated and unirradiated samples

True axial strain rate = 4 x 10-5/s. Test temperature 649 oC (1200 oF)
Closed data points: unirradiated specimens in duplicate tests
Open circles and squares: unirradiated specimens
Open diamond: irradiated specimen 4 X 1018 n/cm2, E > 1 MeV at 70 oC in the ORR core facility
Composition: Fe-17.3Cr-13.1Ni-2.33Mo-1.72Mn-0.4Sc-0.065Cu-0.06C-0.012A1
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel bar, true stress-strain curves for irradiated and unirradiated samples[4]

Source: J.B. Conway, J.T. Berling, and R.H. Stentz, "New Correlations Involving the Low-Cycle Fatigue and Short-Term Tensile Behavior of Irradiated and Unirradiated 304 and 316 Stainless Steel," GEMP 726, General Electric Co., Dec 1969. N70-25351. As published in Structural Alloys Handbook, Vol 2, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1994, p 34

316 stainless steel plate, true stress-strain curves at room and low temperatures for base and weld metal

Plate thickness = 15.9 mm (5/8 in.)
Squares: base metal data
Circles: weld metal data
Specimen diameter 6.401 mm (0.252 in.)
Composition: 16.64Cr-12.84Ni-2.69Mo-1.91Mn-0.45Si-0.068C-0.026P-0.012S
UNS S31600

316 stainless steel plate, true stress-strain curves at room and low temperatures for base and weld metal[4]

Source: T.S. DeSisto, "Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Base and Weld Deposits of Selected Austenitic Stainless Steels," AMRA TR 63-08, Metals and Ceramics Research Agency, U.S. Army Materials Research Agency, July 1963, AD 416 119. As published in Structural Alloys Handbook, Vol 2, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1994, p 34

316 stainless steel sheet, stress versus plastic strain curves for elevated temperatures with effect of annealing and cold working

Sheet thickness = 1.47 mm (0.058 in.)
Plastic strain resulting from constant stress for 2 min at elevated temperature
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 stainless steel sheet, stress versus plastic strain curves for elevated temperatures with effect of annealing and cold working[4]

Source: T.W. Gibbs and Wyatt, H.W., "Short-Time Tensile Properties of Type 316 Stainless Steel at Very High Temperatures," ASME Paper No. 60-WA-11. As published in Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, Vol 2, Code 1307, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1995, p 40

316 annealed stainless steel wire, effect of vacuum on stress-strain curves at room temperature

Wire diameter = 0.457 mm (0.018 in.)
Strain rate = 0.0001/s
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel wire, effect of vacuum on stress-strain curves at room temperature[4]

Source: I.R. Kramer and S.D. Podlaseck, "Effect of Low Pressures on the Mechanical Behavior of Metals," Martin Marietta Corp., Oct 1963, AD 424 292. As published in Structural Alloys Handbook, Vol 2, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1994, p 33

316 annealed stainless steel bar, stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures

Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel bar, stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures[4]

Source: T.W. Gibbs and H.W. Wyatt, "Short-Time Tensile Properties of Type 316 Stainless Steel at Very High Temperatures," ASME Paper No. 60-WA-11. As published in Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, Vol 2, Code 1307, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1995, p 29

316 mill annealed stainless steel bar, complete true stress-strain curves for room and low temperatures

Bar diameter = 12.7 mm (0.5 in.). Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-M0
UNS S31600

316 mill annealed stainless steel bar, complete true stress-strain curves for room and low temperatures[4]

Source: T.S. DeSisto and F.L. Carr, "Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of 300 Series Stainless Steels and Titanium," WAL TR 323, 4/1, Watertown Arsenal Laboratories, Dec 1961. As published in Aero-space Structural Metals Handbook, Vol 2, Code 1307, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1995, p 29

316 annealed stainless steel bar, true stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures (True)

Bar diameter = 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) Data were collected at constant axial true strain rates of 0.004 (open data points) and 0.00004 (solid data points). The curves for the higher strain rates are above the other curve at 650 oC and 816 oC (1202 oF and 1580 oF), while the reverse is true for 430 oC (806 oF). P max is the point of maximum load.
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo.
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel bar, true stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures (True)[4]

Source: J.B. Conway, R.H. Stentz, and J.T. Berling, "Fatigue, Tensile, and Relaxation Behavior of Stainless Steels," Technical Information Center, USAEC, 1975, p 214

316 annealed stainless steel bar, engineering stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures (Engineering)

Bar diameter = 6.35 mm (0.25 in.). Data were collected at constant axial true strain rates of 0.004 (open data points) and 0.00004 (solid data points). Same data was used as for the true stress-strain curve. The curves for the higher strain rates are above the other curve at 650 oC and 816 oC (1202 oF and 1580 oF), while the reverse is true for 430 oC (806 oF). The strain rate effect is more pronounced for the higher temperatures. The lines are dashed as they approach the fracture point.
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel bar, engineering stress-strain curves at room and elevated temperatures (Engineering)[4]

Source: J.B. Conway, R.H. Stentz, and J.T. Berling, "Fatigue, Tensile, and Relaxation Behavior of Stainless Steels," Technical Information Center, USAEC, 1975, p 216

316 annealed stainless steel sheet, true stress-strain curves at room and low temperatures

Sheet thickness = 0.762 mm (0.03 in.). Annealed 1049 oC (1920 oF), 0.25 h, water quenched, grain size 100 μm, gage section = 6.35 X 0.762 X 25.4 mm (0.25 X 0.03 X 1.0 in.), strain rate 0.004/min
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel sheet, true stress-strain curves at room and low temperatures[4]

Source: V. Seetharaman and R. Krishnan, Influence of the Martensitic Transformation on the Deformation Behavior of an AISI 316 Stainless Steel at Low Temperatures, J. Mater. sci., Vol 16 (No. 2), Feb 1981, p 523—530. As published in Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, Vol 2, Code 1307, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1995, p 30

316 annealed stainless steel wrought, isochronous stress-strain curves at elevated temperatures

Left: 538 oC (1000 oF)
Middle: 593 oC (1100 oF)
Right: 649 oC (1200 oF)
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel wrought, isochronous stress-strain curves at elevated temperatures[4]

Source: "Isochronous Stress-Strain Curves for 2 1/4Cr-lMo, Type 304-304H, and Type 316-316H Steels," Technical Report 2012-Part l, United Nuclear Corp., Sept 1970. As published in Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, Vol 2, Code 1307, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Hand-books Operation, Purdue University, 1995, p 40

316 annealed stainless steel bar, cyclic and monotonic stress-strain curves in air at 627 oC (1160 oF)

Specimen reduced section 7.4 mm (0.29 in.) diam X 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) long. Solution annealed 699 oC (1920 oF)
Cyclic test: triangular strain wave form, R = -1, strain rate 4%/min
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 annealed stainless steel bar, cyclic and monotonic stress-strain curves in air at 627 oC (1160 oF)[4]

Source: D.S. Wood, J. Wynn, A.B. Baldwin, and P. O'Riordan, Some Creep Fatigue Properties of Type 316 Steel at 625 C, Fatigue Eng. Mater. Struct., Vol 3, No. l, 1980, p 39—57. As published in Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, Vol 2, Code 1307, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1995, p 43

316 annealed and cold-worked stainless steel sheet, stress-strain curves for room and elevated temperatures

Test direction: longitudinal. Sheet thickness = 1.473 mm (0.058 in.)
Specimens vacuum annealed, 1093 oC (2000 oF), 15 min, plus 5% and 10% cold worked.
Composition: Fe-18Cr-13Ni-Mo
UNS S31600

316 annealed and cold-worked stainless steel sheet, stress-strain curves for room and elevated temperatures [4]

Source: T.W. Gibbs and H. W. Wyatt, "Short-Time Tensile Properties of Type 316 Stainless Steel at Very High Temperatures," ASME Paper No. 60-WA-11. As published in Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, Vol 2, Code 1307, CINDAS/USAF CRDA Handbooks Operation, Purdue University, 1995, p 28

316 SS at various strain rates in 0.82 kmol/m3 HCl solution at 353 K

Stress-Strain curve of 316 SS in 0.82 kmol/m3 HCl solution at 353 K[5]

Stress-strain curve for 316 SS at various strain rates

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS at room temperature and strain rate ranging from 10-2 to 30,000 s-1

316 SS at various strain rates[6]

True stress - True Strain curve deformed in torsion at different temperature

AISI 316 Stainless Steel (Commercial Grade)
Composition - 0.07C-1.27Mn-0.64Si-0.023S-0.020P-10.9Ni-17.2Cr-2.29Mo-0.49Cu-0.02Al-0.32Co-BalFe
History - Extruded at 1700 oC (2138 oF)
316 Stainless Steel was tested under torsion at temperatures ranging from 800 oC - 1100 oC (1472 oF - 2012 oF) and normal strain rate of 3.9 s-1.

True stress - True strain curve for 316 SS deformed under torsion at a strain rate of 3.9 s-1 and at different temperatures[7]

Stress-strain curve at different temperature of 316 SS sheet 1.0 mm thickness

Composition - 67.69Fe-16.63Cr-10.85Ni-2.42Mo-1.28Si-0.38Mn-0.21Cu-0.21Co-0.018C

316 SS Sheet of 1.0 mm, stress-strain curve at different temperatures at strain rate of 0.01[8]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 904 oC

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Reheating temperature = 904 oC
Testing temperature = 910 oC
Grain Size = 18.9 ± 1.8 μm
Electrolytic etching, 100 X

Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 904 oC[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 1010 oC

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Reheating temperature = 1010 oC
Testing temperature = 904 oC
Grain Size = 29.6 ± 2.4 μm
Electrolytic etching, 100 X

Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 1010 oC[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 1095 oC

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Reheating temperature = 1095 oC
Testing temperature = 910 oC
Grain Size = 59.3 ± 2.6 μm
Electrolytic etching, 100 X

Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 1095 oC[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 1194 oC

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Reheating temperature = 1194 oC
Testing temperature = 910 oC
Grain Size = 158.4 ± 4.1 μm
Electrolytic etching, 100 X

Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 910 oC, preheating temperature 1194 oC[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, h/w = 0.40

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1006 oC
Ratio for specimen thickness over tool width (h/w) = 0.40
ho = 6 mm
Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, h/w = 0.40[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, h/w = 0.53

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1006 oC
Ratio for specimen thickness over tool width (h/w) = 0.53
ho = 8 mm
Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, h/w = 0.73[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, h/w = 0.73

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1006 oC
Ratio for specimen thickness over tool width (h/w) = 0.73
ho = 11 mm
Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, h/w = 0.73[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, transverse specimen, h/w = 0.73

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1006 oC
Ratio for specimen thickness over tool width (h/w) = 0.73
ho = 11 mm
Stress-Strain data from plain strain compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestInitial Breath bo (mm)Final breath bf (mm)Initial thickness to (mm)Final Thickness tf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Steady State Stress σs (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in plain strain compression at 1006 oC, transverse specimen, h/w = 0.73[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in axisymmetric compression at 1006 oC, through the thickness direction

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1006 oC
*The broken curves correspond to the specimens machined to obtain a width over diameter ratio equal to 1

Stress-Strain data from axisymmetric compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestDirectionInitial height ho (mm)Initial diameter do (mm)Final height hf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in axisymmetric compression at 1006 oC, through the thickness direction. The broken curves correspond to the specimens machined to obtain a width over diameter ratio equal to 1.[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in axisymmetric compression at 1006 oC, through the width direction

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1006 oC

Stress-Strain data from axisymmetric compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestDirectionInitial height ho (mm)Initial diameter do (mm)Final height hf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in axisymmetric compression at 1006 oC, through the width direction[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in axisymmetric compression at 1006 oC, through the length direction

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1006 oC

Stress-Strain data from axisymmetric compression test in AISI 316 SS

TestDirectionInitial height ho (mm)Initial diameter do (mm)Final height hf (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in axisymmetric compression at 1006 oC, through the length direction[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in torsion at 905 oC

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 905 oC
Grain Size = 30.2 ± 1.5 μm

Stress-Strain data from torsion test in AISI 316 SS

TestGauge length l (mm)Gauge diameter d (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Steady state stress σs (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in torsion at 905 oC[9]

Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in torsion at 1008 oC

Composition - 0.024C-16.70Cr-12.20Ni-2.63Mo-1.50Mn-0.29Si
Testing temperature = 1008 oC
Grain Size = 59.3 ± 2.6 μm

Stress-Strain data from torsion test in AISI 316 SS

TestGauge length l (mm)Gauge diameter d (mm)Strain Rate ε̇ (sec-1)Peak Stress σp (MN/m2)Stress at 0.15 strain σ0.15 (MN/m2)Steady state stress σs (MN/m2)Strain to peak stress εp
Stress-strain curve of 316 SS in torsion at 1008 oC[9]

Fatigue-life curves

Effect of Environment (Sodium, Helium, and Air) on cycles to failure

Exposure Condition - 286 hrs at 925 K

Effect of environment on 316 SS at 925 K; based on cyclic strain and cycles to failure[10]

Fatigue ε-N behaviour on type 316 SS in air at various temperatures

The designated three curves in the plot are based on the current ASME Code mean curve, the best–fit curve developed by Jaske and O'Donnell and an updated statistical model that is discussed below. Tests at room–temperature air have been conducted in load–control mode with stress levels in the range of 190–230 MPa.

The ANL statistical model
Fatigue ε–N data are generally expressed in terms of the modified Langer equation which correlates fatigue life N with the applied strain amplitude εa as
ln(N) = A - B ln(εa - C)
and the fatigue data for 316 SS is represented by,
ln(N) = 6.703 - 2.030 ln(εa - 0.126)
Recommended for predicted fatigue life lives ≤106 cycles.

Fatigue ε-N behaviour on type 316 SS in air at various temperatures[11]

Experimental and predicted fatigue ε-N behaviour on type 316 SS in low-dissolved oxygen (DO) water at 325 oC

The experimental fatigue ε–N data for 316 SS in low–DO water at 325°C and 0.4%/s strain rate, and the corresponding fatigue ε–N curves predicted from the Bettis, ANL, and MITI models are shown

The ANL statistical model
Fatigue ε–N data are generally expressed in terms of the modified Langer equation which correlates fatigue life N with the applied strain amplitude εa as
ln(N) = A - B ln(εa - C)
and the fatigue data for 316 SS is represented by,
ln(N) = 6.703 - 2.030 ln(εa - 0.126)

Experimental and predicted fatigue ε-N behaviour on type 316 SS in low-DO water at 325 oC[11]

Effect of sensitization annealing on fatigue life of 316 SS in low–dissolved oxygen (DO) water at 325°C

The fatigue ε–N behavior of solution–annealed and sensitized Types 316 SS in low and high–DO water are shown
WQ = water quenched

Effect of sensitization annealing on fatigue life of 316 SS in low–DO water at 325°C. WQ = water quenched[12]


  • 1.0 1.1 1.2 A K Steels, Product Data Sheet 316/316L Stainless Steel,
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  • 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 ASM International,Atlas of Stress-strain Curves, 2002, p 193-202, ISBN:9780871707390,\_pkC
  • Rokuro Nishimura, Yasuaki Maeda, SCC evaluation of type 304 and 316 austenitic stainless steels in acidic chloride solutions using the slow strain rate technique, Corrosion Science, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2004, Pages 769-785, ISSN 0010-938X, (
  • Meyers, Shock Wave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena in Materials, CRC Press, 1992, p 687, ISBN:9780824785796,
  • Y. V. R. K. Prasad, S. Sasidhara, Hot Working Guide: A Compendium of Processing Maps, ASM International, 1997, p 312, ISBN 9781615032020,
  • Syed Mujahed Hussaini, Swadesh Kumar Singh, Amit Kumar Gupta, Formability and fracture studies of austenitic stainless steel 316 at different temperatures, Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, Volume 26, Issue 2, July 2014, Pages 184-190, ISSN 1018-3639, (
  • 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 Rafael Cola̕s Ortiz, High Strain Rate High Temperature Deformation of Stainless Steel, University of Sheffield, December 1983,
  • Howard E. Boyer, Atlas of Fatigue Curves, American Society for Metals, ASM International, 1985, p 223, ISBN: 9780871702142,
  • 11.0 11.1 Omesh K. Chopra, Developement of fatigue design curve for austenitic Stainless Steels in LWR environments: A review , Energy Technology Division, Argonne National Laboratory,
  • O. K. Chopra, Mechanism and Estimation of Fatigue Crack Initiation in Austenitic Stainless Steels in LWR Environments, Argonne National Laboratory, August 2002,
  • ncG1vNJzZmihk6Kyb7TPnGWmq6OprrWxjZ6brmedmrGqrdaioqJnmaOxpsSNqZ%2BpZ2Nmg6Cf05qgp6SVqMCgn9OenKVmmKm6rQ%3D%3D