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Meet Kayla Cardona Family: Parents, Siblings, Son, Husband!

Three words to describe Kayla Cardona are “strong, vulnerability, and hardworking”. If you don’t already know, Kayla is one of the luxury real estate agents to star in the first season of Selling Sunset‘s spin-off series Selling The OC.

Being on Netflix or even Selling The OC was never close to anything that Kayla dreamt for herself in life. This is not her normal job being on television. Yet, going into it, she swore that she and her colleagues put themselves and their lives on the table and were very vulnerable. By saying all this what she meant to convey to the audience was that they see the realtors on the screen as real people doing their real job.

Having said that, let’s dive into a tell-all about her family, parents, siblings, son, and husband.

Meet Netflix’s Selling The OC Star Kayla Cardona Family Members

As of the time of this writing, we knew Netflix’s Selling The OC star Kayla Cardona had parents, a bunch of siblings, and a son. However, it was not clear if she is married or was in the past.

Kayla Cardona Parents

The way Kayla Cardona puts it on her social media, she did not have a good time growing up. Yes, because of her parents.

Among one of these storytellings, Kayla shared how one time after she realized that her son’s self-esteem was low and was afraid to tell her certain things, she had to look back at what exactly made her feel the same way he felt. Then she recalled her own upbringing in long elaborate writing.

So, according to her, Kayla was raised by a very tough father that showed zero affection and an inconsistent and selfish mother. Always being yelled at about literally everything she was forced to be quiet. At the same time, she was torn between two parents constantly lying to them to make them happy.

Today, she pictures that had her parents made her open up and not be afraid things would have been uncomplicated for her in life.

That being said, we did not know yet who her parents are or what they are like, and what their relationship with Kayla is like now.

Kayla Cardona Siblings

Kayla Cardona mentioned having a sister talking about when she was 17 and pregnant and had to leave home. And lately, on Instagram (@mskaylacardona), she mentioned two brothers comparing whose looks to her son she wrote that ‘Cardona genes’ are so strong. For some reason Kayla’s sister was not able to join them for these pictures Kayla shared on IG.

Who Is Kayla Cardona’s Son?

Kayla Cardona’s son is Jordan Cardona (on IG @itsjordancardona). He turned 15 on 25 December 2021

The mother-son often have people tell them that they look more like an elder sister and a younger brother. The baby’s father’s info, however, was not available as of the time of this writing.

Kayla was 17 when she found out she was pregnant with Jordan. Her parents being extremely old school and traditional gave her an ultimatum to either keep the child and leave home or to find an adoptive family and stay.

Young and sheltered, it was a no-brainer at the time so Kayla instead found a family. At 7 months pregnant she woke up one morning and something strong and empowering came over her. In her words, every part of her soul told her to keep her baby and so she did.

The next she was at the shelter for minors in Santa Ana, California disappearing completely from her parents.

And one day, Kayla was able to leave the shelter. So, she finally got to find her baby’s dad to tell him where she was, and why she disappeared. But to her dismay, she found out that he was already married and his wife was pregnant.

Finally, at this point, Kayla thought that she lost everything. And when she turned 18 she was transferred to another shelter and she thought things would get better from here. She was working, finished high school, got her driver’s license, and saved up enough to get her first car.

But of course, this was not getting easy yet as several homeless nights and many toxic relationships waited for her.

But despite moving every 3-5 months, room after room off Craigslist, not owning anything but a mattress, clothes, and some toys, Kayla with her son managed to get where she is today anyway.

Also when it comes to her son, she pushes in all her power to be the best possible mother to him.

Does Kayla Cardona Have A Husband?

According to the internet, Kayla Cardona is also related to these people with the names: Mia Lopez, 28, Maria Lopez, 70, Michael Cardona, 64, Richard Cardona, and Jessica A Soto, 60. But clearly, none of them is possibly her husband. In fact, Kayla does not seem to have been married before.

Speaking of her relationship status, as of 2022, it seemed to be ‘single’.

Related FAQs

  • Where Do Kayla Cardona Family Members Live?

Kayla Cardona’s family members reportedly hail from Santa Ana, California. While, Kayla (as of 2022) was based in South Bay, California neighborhood.

  • What Is Kayla Cardona’s Family Ethnicity?

Kayla Cardona’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino.
