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Is Shadowkeep vaulted?

Yes, Shadowkeep is currently vaulted and no longer accessible in Destiny 2.

No Expansions Are Being Vaulted in Lightfall

Thankfully, expansions from Shadowkeep on are going to stick around, with all of their story content, quests, and areas remaining accessible.

Is Shadowkeep getting removed?

In the Destiny 2 Showcase 2022, Bungie announced that Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, The Witch Queen, and future expansions will always stay playable.

Is Bungie getting rid of Shadowkeep?

Bungie pledges to keep Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and The Witch Queen playable forever.

What Destiny 2 dlc is vaulted?

Curse of Osiris was the first Destiny 2 DLC to be released but sadly isn’t remembered fondly. It’s also since been vaulted and can no longer be accessed.

Will Shadowkeep be free in Lightfall?

No, Shadowkeep will not be free in Lightfall. Players will need to purchase the expansion to access the main campaign missions.

Is Shadowkeep Worth It In 2022? | #Destiny2

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Can you still do Shadowkeep campaign 2023?

Yes, it is still possible to play through the Shadowkeep campaign in 2023 and it is recommended to do so to understand the story.

Is Shadowkeep still playable?

Yes, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, The Witch Queen, and future expansions will remain playable.

Is Destiny 2 no longer vaulting DLC?

In August 2022, it was announced that Destiny 2 expansions would no longer be vaulted.

What DLCs did Destiny 2 remove?

With the release of The Witch Queen in February 2022, portions of Forsaken were removed from the game and placed in the Destiny Content Vault. This included the Forsaken campaign and the Tangled Shore destination and its associated activities.

Will Destiny 2 no longer vault content?

Bungie announced that expansions will not be vaulted moving forward and players will be able to play the complete Light & Darkness saga.

When did Shadowkeep drop?

Shadowkeep was originally scheduled to launch on September 17, 2019, but it was delayed and released on October 1, 2019.

Why is destiny removing DLC?

Bungie stated that they removed and are removing content because it takes up space and messes with balance.

Why was forsaken removed from Destiny 2?

Upon the release of The Witch Queen expansion in February 2022, Forsaken’s campaign and the Tangled Shore destination were removed from the game as part of the Destiny Content Vault initiative.

Will Destiny 2 ever bring back Forsaken?

No, Bungie has announced that they are not planning on bringing back Forsaken or any other previous expansions that have been vaulted.

Is destiny 3 confirmed?

No, Bungie has stated that they are not currently working on Destiny 3 and their focus is on continually supporting and expanding Destiny 2.

Is Destiny 2 unplayable without DLC?

No, Destiny 2 is still playable without the DLC, but some content and activities may be locked behind the DLC paywall.

Do destiny dlcs carry over?

DLC does not transfer over from console to PC, so if you want to replay all the current content again, you will need to rebuy the DLC.

What is the next big DLC for Destiny 2?

The next big DLC for Destiny 2 is The Final Shape, which will release on February 27, 2024.

Was Shadowkeep ever free?

Shadowkeep and The Witch Queen expansions were made free for a limited time, but they are no longer available for free.

Is Shadowkeep Sunsetted?

Shadowkeep, along with Beyond Light and The Witch Queen, is part of the Light and Darkness saga that will remain in the game and not be sunsetted.
