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5 Best Tag Team Partners Of The Miz's Career (& The 5 Worst)

When The Miz first broke into WWE in 2006, many fans and critics thought he'd be out of the wrestling business in a matter of months. Instead, the former MTV reality star dedicated himself to his craft and slowly turned the tide.

RELATED: The Miz's Career Told In Photos, Through The Years

Today, Miz is one of the most respected WWE performers inside the ring and out. He's the only two-time Grand Slam Champion in WWE history. As good of a singles wrestler as Miz is, he's just as good working as part of a unit. Miz has enjoyed tons of tag team success over his career. Although, at times, some of his tag team partners could be a burden.

10 Best: Asuka

Part of WWE's secret to success is occasionally thinking outside the box. The company's 2018 Facebook Exclusive Mixed Match Challenge was a great example of that. The tournament featured 12 mixed-tag teams. Some of the combinations like The Miz and Asuka were a bit odd, but most of them worked out great.

The Miz and Asuka would prove to be a surprisingly formidable team during the tournament. The pair would win the inaugural Mixed Match Challenge and earn a $100,000 donation to a charity of their choice. Unfortunately, Miz and Asuka wouldn't team up again, despite their success.

9 Worst: John Cena

John Cena's relationship with the pro wrestling audience is extremely intriguing. When Cena first rose to prominence in 2005, he was a massive fan favorite. After being shoved down the audience's throat, the public opinion of Cena changed. Crowds became a lot more split, with many of them booing Cena.

In 2011, The Miz and Cena were feuding over the WWE Championship. At one point, the two men were made reluctant tag team partners. They defeated Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater on the 2/21/2011 episode of Monday Night Raw to briefly win the WWE Tag Team Championships. Unfortunately, they would lose the titles back to Gabriel and Slater immediately, proving that some tag teams are better off as rivals.

8 Best: The Big Show

Despite being a bonafide legend in the sport of pro wrestling, The Big Show doesn't get enough respect from fans or critics. The longevity that he's achieved for a performer his size is truly astounding. Big Show is a multi-time World Champion in multiple promotions, but he's also sneakily one of the best tag team wrestlers ever.

RELATED: Every Stable & Tag Team That Big Show Has Been Part Of, Ranked Worst To Best

Throughout his long career, Big Show has teamed and won championships with various legends. In 2010, The Miz became the latest megastar to link up with Big Show. As "ShowMiz," The Miz and Big Show dominated the tag team division. They won the Unified WWE Tag Team Championships from D-Generation X and held those titles for a couple of months before dropping them to The Hart Dynasty and splitting up.

7 Worst: Logan Paul

Celebrity involvement has always been a very big part of the WrestleMania formula. In the past, that involvement was usually as a guest ring announcer, timekeeper, or valet. The physicality was usually saved for the big sports names like Lawrence Taylor and Mike Tyson. In recent years though, more mainstream celebrities have stepped into the ring at WrestleMania.

In 2022, YouTube sensation Logan Paul tried his hand at wrestling. He would team up with The Miz to battle Rey and Dominik Mysterio at WrestleMania 38. MIz and Paul would pick up the win before Miz turned on Paul after the match. Despite flashing some impressive moves, Paul was far from being one of The Miz's best partners ever.

6 Best: Maryse

Becoming successful in the wrestling business isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication for things to ultimately work out. Likewise, being part of a healthy marriage requires hard work, dedication, and communication. Combining both those worlds is no easy task, but somehow The Miz and his lovely bride, Maryse, make it work.

The pair first met back in 2006 during WWE's Diva Search. From there, a real-life love story unfolded. Like many other pro wrestling romances, their relationship eventually made its way into WWE storylines. As a team, The Miz and Maryse don't have a great win-loss record. However, they've been involved in some of the biggest mixed tag team matches in recent history. That itself is very impressive.

5 Worst: Shane McMahon

In the late '90s and early 2000s, Shane McMahon gained a reputation in WWE for being a daredevil. In 2010, Shane left the company to pursue outside interests. In 2016, Shane made his triumphant return to WWE. Not surprisingly, Shane's return to the company wasn't just on the business side of things.

Shane would step into the ring several times after his 2016 return. During one of those runs, Shane reluctantly found himself as The Miz's tag team partner. The two would win the SmackDown Tag Team Championships but lose them en route to having a match against each other at WrestleMania 35. The partnership was neither man's best.

4 Best: Damien Mizdow

Sometimes in pro wrestling, things just work out without any rhyme or reason. Damien Sandow's success as The Miz's stunt double is one of those weird things that just worked out. In 2014, Damien Sandow was floundering in WWE's lower mid-card. Luckily for him, this came right when The Miz's "Hollywood A-Lister" gimmick was catching steam.

RELATED: Damian Mizdow Is The Best Comedy Gimmick In WWE History

Eventually, Sandow would assume the role of The Miz's stunt double, Mizdow. Sandow would play the role to perfection. The team quickly became one of the most entertaining things on WWE programming. The two would even go on to win the WWE Tag Team Championships. Unfortunately, Sandow would ultimately be transitioned out of that role before leaving WWE for good in 2016.

3 Worst: Alex Riley

In 2010, WWE introduced a new show called NXT. Despite sharing the same name, that NXT was a lot different than today's version. That show's original concept was more similar to a game show than anything else. On the show, rookies would be paired up with WWE veterans.

During the show's second season in 2010, The Miz was paired with Alex Riley as his rookie. Eventually, Riley would move up to the main roster as Miz's apprentice. The two would occasionally team together but Riley's main duty was to do The Miz's bidding. Miz and Riley would split in 2011. Riley would be given a shot at a singles career, but it wouldn't pan out. He was released from WWE in 2016.

2 Best: John Morrison

In 2007, many fans would've probably scoffed and chuckled at the idea of The Miz and John Morrison being "The Greatest Tag Team Of The 21st Century." A decade and a half later though, it turns out they were worthy of being in the conversation.

The two former rivals are three-time Tag Team Champions in WWE and one of the most entertaining tandems ever. Furthermore, both men were able to use their team success to launch successful singles careers after splitting in 2009. Morrison would leave WWE in 2011, return in 2020, reunite with Miz, but then, unfortunately, leave WWE again in 2021.

1 Worst: R-Truth

Much of the flack that WWE has caught over the years has been the result of poorly-received comedy segments. Some fans feel that WWE can be a bit too comedic and silly at times. Those fans probably aren't too fond of the R-Truth character. Truth is a former NWA World Champion and a talented performer, but unfortunately, WWE has turned him into a comedy act.

In 2011, WWE decided to team The Miz with a heel R-Truth. In hindsight, that pairing was a misfire. Miz and Truth didn't have much chemistry as a team. Luckily, after being fed to The Rock and John Cena at Survivor Series 2011, the team wouldn't stay together too much longer.
