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How close can you plant a tree next to a gas line?

Utilities are particularly interested in where and how trees are planted. In addition to ensuring your trees will not grow into overhead power lines, you should not plant closer than 25 feet from any natural gas transmission line. When planting a tree, here’s what you need to know.Click to see full answer. Consequently, will tree roots damage gas lines?Many gardeners are aware that tree roots can damage water pipes, but the roots are a threat to gas lines, as well. When planted too close to a gas line, vigorous tree roots are capable of moving the lines and destroying the protective coating on the pipes. Tree maintenance and accidents can also damage gas lines.Also Know, what is the fine for breaking a gas line? Fines for breaking the rules range from $50 up to more than $3,000. KEYE TV analyzed data for all gas pipe penalties in Austin for the last two years. Just so, how close to the road can you plant a tree? Keep shrubs at least several feet from your house and plant trees that grow to 60 feet or more at least 35 feet away. Streets, sidewalks, and septic lines: Some trees, such as poplar and willow, grow large roots close to or on the ground’s surface where they heave paving and everything else out of their path.Can you plant trees in utility easement?Yes, the easement is still your property. You can use a utility easement for almost anything that you use your yard for. You can plant gardens and bushes, landscape and construct fences. However, anything that is in the easement when a Utility has to perform maintenance on their facilities may have to be removed.
