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Korie Koker: Who is Danny counting cars wife?

Korie Koker is an American citizen who hit celebrity status when he got married to Danny Koker, known popularly by his show on the popular American series counting cars, as such he is sometimes referred to as Danny counting cars.

Danny Counting Cars’ wife is Korie Koker who has been supportive of his career, but what do you know about Danny’s wife Korie.

In this article, we unravel who Korie Koker is.

Before we get into who Korie Koker is, what do we know about her popular husband, Danny Koker?

Danny Koker is an American car restorer and reality TV star.

Also known as “The Count,” Koker is most famous for running Count’s Kustoms, an automobile shop that specializes in customization and decoration.

Count’s Kustoms is the focus of the long-running History Channel reality show, “Counting Cars.”

Prior to his focal role on “Counting Cars,” Danny Koker frequently appeared on the show “Pawn Stars” as an expert. Outside of his business, Koker is a talented musician.

Danny Koker wife Korie Koker

Korie, until her marriage to Danny, was relatively unknown.

Korie was born on August 8, 1965, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Korie Koker is an American entrepreneur and businesswoman who only came to the limelight when she married the famous reality TV star, Danny Koker.

During her early years, Korie worked as a TV producer.

Currently, she manages her husband’s business.

Korie Koker educational background

Korie completed her high school education in Chicago where she grew up. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Broadcasting. After she got a job as a camera operator and as time passed she became the production coordinator for a local TV station.

Korie Koker marriage to Danny Koker

Korie, as stated earlier, was relatively unknown until she married Danny Counting Cars, as such, her family isn’t that known as people only know her as Danny Koker’s wife.

So how did their marriage happen?

Korie and Danny, according to online sources, met in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The sources further claimed that the pair dated for fifteen years before finally tying the knot in 2015.

Their marriage wasn’t that publicized despite the popular nature of Danny as they had a very small ceremony with very few guests.

Korie Koker children

As of the time of putting this article together, Danny and Korie have not revealed that they have any children from their marriage.

It is not known if they have children but are keeping them away from the public, so as far as we know, with the information available to us, Korie and Danny have no children.

What does Korie Koker do?

Korie started her career and professional development as a singer in a rock band.

She also worked at a local TV station as a production coordinator in the latter stages of her professional life.

Korie, however, convinced her husband after their marriage to open a club called Count’s Vamp’d, which she currently runs.

Because of her passion for music, she convinced him that it was ideal for rock music lovers, who would enjoy good music, food, and drinks.

What is Korie Koker net worth?

Korie has an estimated net worth of $1 million.

Her wealth is attributed to her immense hard work and dedication to the things she loves doing.

Her husband is wealthier with an estimated net worth of $13 million.

Watch this video compilation of Korie:

Video credit: Celeb Critics, YouTube

