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11 Things Wrestlers Have Revealed About Vince McMahon (And 9 About Triple H)

To be on top of the mightiest wrestling promotion ever created in history, you probably have to be a little nuts. With the crazy work hours you have to put in and the amount of people you have to manage, you're going to go a little bit nuts. In fact former wrestling manager Jim Cornette said that you're either crazy for entering the wrestling business or you end up crazy because of it. In the case of Vincent Kennedy McMahon, we would have to say a little bit of both. The amount of insane stories and key character moments told by employees of the WWE paint a mosaic of a lunatic who has ruled over the global wrestling market for decades despite probably belonging in an asylum.

Now by contrast his son in law Triple H is nowhere near as insane; but he is just as cunning. Even from the start of his career in the WWE, The Game knew what political moves to make and now is poised to take over the company when McMahon gives the reins over. There are several stories of Triple H throwing his weight around backstage and generally being kind of a jerk so let's dig into the 11 shocking things wrestlers have revealed about Vince McMahon and the 9 shockers revealed about Triple H.

20 McMahon: His Post Drinking Routine

When most people are done drinking and getting rowdy with their friends, you either want to grab a bite to eat or probably go to sleep. If you're Vince McMahon you never sleep so what do you do instead? WORK OUT DAMMIT!

The story goes is that Chris Jericho and McMahon were on a private plane at night drinking until 4:30 A.M.

When they got off the plane Jericho remembered he had to wake up at 6:30 so he wanted to get at least a couple of hours of sleep. McMahon instead said he had to go to the gym.

He said Jericho had to come with him and when he refused, he woke up two hours later to a text from McMahon giving him the finger at the gym. Just a savage that McMahon.

19 Triple H: Pulling The Plug

Most of didn't care about Ryback in 2010. Well, most people don't care about him now but that's besides the point. After debuting on the main roster with The Nexus in the summer of 2010, Ryback would receive a debilitating ankle injury that put him on the shelf for over a year.

When you're out of a job for that long, it probably doesn't feel good to hear one of the most powerful men in the company tell you that they might have to pull the plug on him soon.

That's what Ryback says Triple H told him. Ryback's tale goes that he had just recovered from his third surgery and The Game remarked that "they might have to pull his plug soon". Now we have to keep in mind that Ryback says a lot of ridiculous things so we take it with a bit of salt but it doesn't sound completely out of character with Triple H's other stories on the list.

18 McMahon: Bayley's Gimmick Inspiration?

Vince McMahon has this image of being a monstrous, psychotic brute of a human being whose only physical affection comes in the form of aggressively sticking his tongue down Divas' throats. Those people who think that of him obviously have never seen him emotional because this is a man who sure likes to hug people.

The first time that McMahon's love for hugs came public was when Paul Heyman was doing the pro wrestling podcast circuit and told a story of when he returned to the company in 2012 and McMahon exclaimed "GIVE ME A HUGGIE" when he saw the Advocate. Other wrestlers have backed this up including CM Punk and Stone Cold Steve Austin. So if you see Vince McMahon, be sure to have some Huggies diapers on hand. In his age, he probably needs them anyway.

17 Triple H: Almost Fought Daniel Bryan

It takes a lot to get a guy like Daniel Bryan angry. Bryan is by word of his peers one of the nicest guys in the wrestling business and doesn't care so much about the money but more about being able to do what he loves. So leave it to Triple H to get him so angry that Bryan wanted to fight him.

On an episode of RAW in the summer of 2013, Bryan suffered a shoulder stinger in a match against Randy Orton from a missile dropkick attempt. The match was called off by a doctor at the behest of Triple H but when Bryan got to the back he was furious.

He has after all, continued to wrestle after detaching his retina. The fight between the two was so heated that wrestlers had to pull them away. Bryan acknowledges that he was wrong, so the Game gets off here.

16 McMahon: His Life Advice

When you've been in the pro wrestling business as long as he has, you would expect Vince McMahon to have some sage advice that he would share with his employees. In Jim Cornette's opinion, this wasn't sage advice in the least bit.

Cornette recalls a story of where he was writing RAW at McMahon's house back in the late 90s and something happened where Cornette was ranting about some performer who had screwed them in one shape or another. McMahon's advice? "In business, you have to learn to eat s*** and like the taste of it". Cornette felt that a millionaire like McMahon should never have to cow tow to anyone like that. It's shocking that for such a tough guy like Vince, he lets people walk over him so often.

15 Triple H: The Originator Of The Screwjob 

There have been so many stories and people involved with the Montreal Screwjob that it grows hard to separate fact from fiction. But if Shawn Michaels is to be believed, then Triple H had quite a significant role to play in that infamous night in Montreal.

In Michaels' autobiography that he released back in 2005, he talks about it was Triple H's idea to screw Bret Hart out of his championship in Montreal.

Now as far the details of how it was going down, we don't know if that was The Cerebral Assassin's idea but the idea to screw him at all was definitely his. There's a reason why Hart still harbors a grudge to this day after all. Despite Bret having a working relationship with the company today, he never hesitates to take a shot at the C.O.O.

14 McMahon: He Beat Mark Henry In A Weightlifting Contest... At A Price

Vince McMahon is likely one of the fittest senior citizens in the United States. The man has no hobbies outside of work and working out, so that makes a lot of sense.

But despite how fit he is, it would be pure madness if he tried to outperform former Olympic weight lifter and 400 pound monster Mark Henry in the gym. Guess what the boss tried anyway...

We have to keep something in mind here; the kind of strength Mark Henry has doesn't allow him to do too many reps. McMahon on the other hand will do 50-100 reps of an exercise because he's a loon. So competitive as he is, Henry didn't want McMahon to win and he tried to keep up, but McMahon actually beat him! The problem is that the next day McMahon said he was so sore that the joke was on him as Henry was fine.

13 Triple H: Don't Mess With One Of A Kind

One conclusion that I would hope people come away at the end of this piece about Triple H is that while he may be making the right creative decisions nowadays, there are quite a few people that he stepped on to make it to the top. But there's some people that you shouldn't throw your weight around with, one of those people would be Rob Van Dam.

This story comes courtesy of Paul London of all people. Apparently in a meeting Triple H had made a joke about RVD's weed habit and was the only one to laugh at the joke. RVD approached him after the meeting and told him that they weren't close enough friends for him to make the joke and to knock it off. Given RVD's legitimate martial arts background and zero fear in throwing down, it's likely Triple H shut up afterwards.

12 McMahon: Hates Losing... At Everything

We got a two for one special in this entry. Being his son in law, Triple H has likely seen some insane things that Vince McMahon has done. While he likely can't tell most of the stories, this is one he did share that goes to show how insanely competitive McMahon is.

At his vacation home in Boca, Florida, McMahon invited Triple H and Stephanie to spend some time with himself and Linda in a game of billiards.

Triple H and Steph kept winning on flukey shots and by the third loss Vinnie Mac had to leave the room to cool off because he was getting too upset.

His daughter decided to have some fun and sang to him a song called "Whipping Post" across the house on the intercom and that caused McMahon to snap in a rage. Remember, EVERYTHING is a competition with McMahon.

11 Triple H: Being A Jerk To Jericho

When Chris Jericho first entered the WWE he wasn't the highly respected legend that he is right now; he was instead the snot nosed punk from WCW who was expected to keep his mouth shut. There was a ratings war that was still going on after all, which would explain why Triple H was such a jerk to Y2J over something as simple as a phone call.

In Jericho's second book entitled Undisputed, he tells a story about how he called Triple H to ask him how to get to the arena in San Jose.

Keep in mind that Hunter had given him his phone number before and said to call him if he needed anything. Instead of telling, Triple H told him to get a map and hung up, laughing with his boys. You think a Connecticut Blue Blood would have better manners eh?

10 McMahon: Suffering From A Hart Attack

It sounds outlandish nowadays for Vince McMahon to go out to strip club with the entire locker room but that's exactly what happened in the early 1990s. Right before the WWE started drug testing their wrestlers because of public pressure, the boys and the boss had one last night out to do whatever they wanted. And what The Hart Foundation wanted was to attack the Boss.

In a drunken stupor, McMahon had allowed the Road Warriors to give him their finishing move. They were gentle about it; The Hart Foundation was not. Jim Neidhart picked up Vince and Bret came in with a clothesline that dropped Vince like a sack of potatoes. McMahon's response? "You owe me a drink Hitman!" Brilliant. Fortunately for Hart and Neidhart, McMahon probably didn't remember anything the next day.

9 Triple H: Wanted To Fire The Future

The history of the WWE would be whole lot different if John Cena had not became the franchise player that he ended up being for the company. Without him, the company would have been way more desperate to find a big family friendly star that would stay with the company for well over a decade. And if Triple H would have gotten his way, that's what would have happened.

According to John Cena himself in an interview from 2012, he recalls that when he was just a fresh faced rookie in 2002 that nobody liked him. In fact, he's certain that Triple H wanted him gone.

This is likely true since Triple H himself admits to not thinking much of Cena in a 2011 promo versus CM Punk. Thankfully Hunter's eye for talent has greatly improved now.

8 McMahon: Brown Pants Maker

Jim Ross has been a part of the WWE for more than two decades and is probably one of the closest employees to Vince McMahon. He has definitely heard and seen things that he will take to his grave but one tale he did share still has us shaking our heads in disbelief.

You see, McMahon is a big fan of toilet humor. Gerald Brisco has a legendarily weak stomach. Put two and two together and you have mutli-millionaire Vince McMahon sharting himself in an attempt to pass gas bad enough to make Brisco throw up. The problem now was that he had to go on live TV with skid marks. When McMahon says he'd never do anything he wouldn't ask his wrestlers to do, we hope not in this case.

7 Triple H: Burying The Future... Again

In the immortal words of the Macho Man Randy Savage; "The cream will rise to the top ouuu yeah". The wrestling locker room can be a fun place to be, but especially back in the day, it was cutthroat environment and none other than Triple H wanted to cut off oxygen to The Rock before he had a chance to rise.

In Bret Hart's book he talks about how he was scheduled to face Rocky for the Intercontinental Championship.

Not seeing a reason to beat the young and future superstar, Hart refused to win and chose a DQ finish instead. Triple H however was insisting that Hart win and bury The Rock.

This hatred for The Rock would continue for years and while that's unfortunate, it at least made for one of the best on-screen feuds ever.

6 McMahon: Soiling Flair's Bed

Ric Flair's WWE run of the early 1990s may have produced some memorable moments but on the whole it was a disappointing affair for everyone involved. Most fans made that heard with their wallets but Vince McMahon decided to use his genetic jackhammer to express his displeasure instead.

In Bret Hart's autobiography, The Hitman tells a story where all the boys including Vince McMahon were loaded from a night of drinking and decided to pay a visit to Flair's hotel room.

Since Flair wasn't there, some of the wrestlers decided to make it well known what they thought of him and took a giant puddle of urine to his mattress.

McMahon, who's always up for a prank, decided to join in and whiz as well. There's several in the Kiss My A** club, but only one in the Vince McMahon pee on your bed club.

5 Triple H: Snubs His Giant Nose At Road Dogg

Road Dogg is nowadays a backstage producer in the WWE and is in the good graces of Triple H but there was a point in time where the relationship between The Game and his former D-X compatriots had turned ugly. During this time, Dogg and Billy Gunn unveiled an odd fact about Hunter in a shoot interview.

During the time of their D-X run, Triple H and Chyna both would snub their nose at the Dogg for his recreational use of drugs. This would be understandable perhaps except for the fact that Triple H's best friend at the time was... SHAWN FREAKING MICHAELS! You know, the biggest addict in the business for many years and Triple H stayed by his side there didn't he? Well he got the Dogg a job now, so we guess that's all under the bridge.

4 McMahon: Bodily Functions Aren't Excusable 

Achoo! Sorry about that we just had to sneeze and... what's that bellowing voice in the distance just telling us that we got fired?

In a story almost too unbelievable even for someone like Vince McMahon, Paul Heyman told of a time where he was pitching a storyline to Vinnie Mac and he 100% had him sold. Unfortunately for Heyman, his house of cards came tumbling down with a bellowing sneeze from the Chairman.

Now McMahon was not paying attention and just muttering to himself about how he was displeased with the fact that he sneezed.

He also told Heyman the immortal words that should be printed onto a t-shirt on; "In my world pal, there is no sneezing". We challenge any CEO in the world to be more controlling than this man.

3 Triple H: Interrupting A Funeral

Here's a two for one special for ya involving both Vince McMahon and Triple H. It's not often that wrestlers themselves will reveal shockingly embarrassing things about incidents involving themselves. And it doesn't get more embarrassing than the Katie Vick angle in 2002 where Triple H simulated making love to a mannequin in a casket while wearing a Kane mask.

Oh wait we tell a lie because it gets even worse. In an interview with the radio stars Opie and Anthony from 2008, Triple H talks about how when he was doing the segment McMahon was telling him to make more noise. The kicker is that it was in a real funeral home and the director next door told them to respect the real funeral going on in the room over. If hell exists, McMahon is definitely going there.

2 McMahon: Hates Vegetarians

Daniel Bryan became one of the WWE's biggest underdog success stories in a remarkable amount of time. In less than four years with the company, he went from being an indie darling known only for being a great in-ring performer to becoming one of the brightest stars of the modern era. Thank God McMahon looked past his bias to give Bryan the opportunity.

In Chris Jericho's 3rd book, he talks about returning backstage from a match with Bryan in NXT and telling McMahon how good Bryan was. McMahon responded in disgust saying "Ugh, what kind of person doesn't eat steak?"

If McMahon had his way Bryan would have probably just been a comedic midcard heel; thank God he became so much more.

1 McMahon: Limited Culinary Palette

With the amount of money Vince McMahon has, you would think that he eats like an absolute king. If we had his kind of money, we would splurge on the best meats, the finest cheeses and only the freshest of fruits and vegetables. McMahon however doesn't view food as something to be enjoyed; it is merely fuel to power his workouts and his iron fist over the wrestling business.

Jim Cornette dropped this tidbit about McMahon on his radio show The Jim Cornette Experience. Apparently McMahon's diet consists mainly of turkey sandwiches with mustard on whole wheat bread around the clock. Along with that, anything low fat and low carb that McMahon can get his hands on, he will eat. McMahon won't be joining his buddy Trump at the fast food joints that's for sure.
